Minimizing Waste and Maximizing Resource Efficiency

Maintaining a healthy environmental balance is crucial to Kawartha Premium Alcohols. One of our commitments is to adopt initiatives and actions that allows us to use renewable resources without compromising the environment’s ability to regenerate and serve to future generations. To fulfill this, Kawartha Premium Alcohols has acquired an extremely efficient distillation technology. This includes top of the line instrumentation and control systems through which we are able to optimize the use of resources (water and energy). The efficient use of resources plays a significant role in the “golden” rules of environmental sustainability: reduce, reuse and recycle. This ultimately translates into environmental preservation and footprint reduction.

Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) is a renewable resource

Fuel Grade Ethanol is blended with the gasoline used in our vehicles to produce a more environmentally friendly fuel.

High Quality Alcohols are produced and formulated for many industries and uses. From beverages, fragrances, flavourings, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products to paints, lacquers, coatings, and adhesives.

There are three main co-products of corn ethanol production: Corn Oil, distillers Grains and CO2.
Corn Oil is utilized a feedstock for bio-diesel and renewable diesel production. Other uses are industrial cleaner and lubricants.

Distillers’ grains are produced through the distillation process. They contain all the non-fermentable components of the corn kernels including fibre, protein and fat. Distillers’ grains are valuable high-protein ingredient in livestock feed.

CO2 is produced by yeast as a result of the fermentation reaction. It can be captured and used for purposes, such as making carbonated beverages, producing dry ice (frozen CO2) to use for cold storage and supporting photosynthesis in vegetable greenhouses.